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Monday, August 22, 2011

Sharing Files/Folders between Windows XP and Fedora Linux

Sharing Files/Folders between Windows XP and Fedora Linux :


 This brief tutorial will show you how to easily enable file sharing between Windows XP and Fedora 14, codename Laughlin. When you enable file sharing between the two systems, both machines will be able to view and access shares from each other. While Windows uses SMB (Server Message Block) Fedora uses Samba to share files with Windows.

Getting started:

            To get started, logon to Windows XP and click Start –> then right click
‘My Computer’ and select ‘Properties’.

 Then select ‘Computer Name’ tab and click ‘Change’

Enter the Computer and Workgroup name and click OK. Make sure all systems use the same Workgroup name. You will have to restart your computer for the change to take effect.

After restarting, click Start –> Control Panel.

 Select Security Center –> Windows Firewall.

When Windows Firewall opens, select ‘Exceptions’ tab and check the box to enable File and Printer Sharing. Close out when done.

 Next, logon to Fedora and go to System –> Administration –> Add/Remove Software.

Then search for and install system-config-samba. Install all additional packages when prompted.


After installing, go to System –> Administration –> Samba.

Then select Preferences –> Server Settings.

Enter the Workgroup name here and click OK.

 Select Preferences –> Samba Users.

 Edit or Add User to samba database and click OK.

 To create shares, click File –> Create Add Shares, then select the folder you wish to share and check

  • Writable
  • Visible

Then select ‘Access’ tab and give users access to the shares, then click OK to save.

Next, go to System –> Administration –> Firewall.

 Select ‘Samba’ under ‘Trusted Services’ and enable Samba.


Next, select ‘ICMP’ and enable ‘Echo Reply (pong) and Echo Request (ping)’

After that go to Applications –> System Tools –> Terminal and run the command below

su -c 'chkconfig smb on'

Restart your computer and if everything is setup correctly, you should be able to view shares from either system.
After doing all these setup make sure Firewall should be Turn off on both the system.

In Fedora Linux goto the Places->Network then click Windows Network then click PENGUIN.

You will see the shared Workgroups as follows

In Windows goto the My Network Places then click View Workgroup Computers on the left pane

You will see the shared Workgroups as follows

Hope this will be helpful for you!!!

 Stay tuned for updates. If you find any problem or have any suggestions for improvements, you can always mail me.
By M.Baran Mahamood

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Installing Samba Software package

Installing Samba Software Package :


To know the how to install the packages like Samba

1. Samba Installation and Configuration

1.1 Introduction to Samba

Samba can be used with Linux to provide transparent access between machines running Linux and machines running Windows. Samba itself runs on a Linux machine and makes shared files and printers available to Windows machines, as if they are available on a
Window machine or server. Thus, Samba has several practical applications which can
generally be categorized as follows:

1. Using a Linux server as a simple peer-to-peer server. There is no user authentication involved and no need for passwords.

2. Using a Linux server as a member server on an existing Windows NT domain. The existing Windows domain controller will use NT authentication tools to control file permissions and access.

3. Using a Linux server as a primary domain controller with its own user authentication and control mechanisms.

Which of these three applications of Samba is used, determines how Samba is configured on the Linux machine.

1.2 Installing Samba

$ su -
Enter Password:
(Here enter the root password)

To install Samba package type the following command in the Terminal

$ yum install samba

In order to make Samba Service start automatically whenever the system boots, type

chkconfig --levels 235 smb on

To check the samba service running status type the following

$ /etc/init.d/smb status

To Start the Samba service

$ /etc/init.d/smb start

To Restart the Samba service

$ /etc/init.d/smb restart

Creating a normal user

$ useradd samba-test
1.3 Configuring samba :

Creating a normal user
$ useradd samba-test
Setting the password
$ passwd samba-test

Changing password for user samba-test.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Adding the user to access samba shares with a password

 $ smbpasswd -a samba-test
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user samba-test.

Login into the samba as using the smbclient to add the files and folders to share with windows.

$ smbclient \\\\localhost\\samba-test –U samba-test

Here enter smb password for login
Enter samba-test's password:
You gets the following output to see the what are files you are sharing
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.8-68.fc15]
smb: \>

In this to see what are files you sharing enter ‘ls’ command

smb: \> ls

. D 0 Tue Aug 9 19:08:44 2011
.. D 0 Tue Aug 9 19:08:44 2011
.bash_logout H 18 Wed Jun 22 19:19:05 2011
.mozilla DH 0 Wed Feb 9 03:52:39 2011
.bash_profile H 193 Wed Jun 22 19:19:05 2011
.gnome2 DH 0 Tue Feb 8 14:08:01 2011
.bashrc H 124 Wed Jun 22 19:19:05 2011
56633 blocks of size 2097152. 7531 blocks available

To see the where your current directory located enter the ‘pwd‘ command

smb: \> pwd
Current directory is \\localhost\samba-test\

To create a folder in sharing folder enter following command

smb: \> mkdir test

To check created directory enter the following command

smb: \> ls
. D 0 Tue Aug 9 19:10:50 2011
.. D 0 Tue Aug 9 19:08:44 2011
.bash_logout H 18 Wed Jun 22 19:19:05 2011
.mozilla DH 0 Wed Feb 9 03:52:39 2011
.bash_profile H 193 Wed Jun 22 19:19:05 2011
.gnome2 DH 0 Tue Feb 8 14:08:01 2011
test D 0 Tue Aug 9 19:10:50 2011
.bashrc H 124 Wed Jun 22 19:19:05 2011
56633 blocks of size 2097152. 7532 blocks available

If you want to come out from samba client enter the ‘exit’

smb: \> exit

How to access the shared files from windows.

Open the samba location from windows as following.

Start-> Run..

Enter the IP Address of fedora linux machine as following

eg: \\\

It displays log in window to log into the samba sever.

Here username and password should be what you given to while creating samba username and smb password.

username: samba-test

Now you can see the what are files shared.

Note :

Error :


If you get the above error then execute the following command

$ setsebool –P samba_enable_home_dirs 1
$ setsebool –P samba_enable_home_dirs=on

Hope this will be helpful for you!!!

 Stay tuned for updates. If you find any problem or have any suggestions for improvements, you can always mail me.
By M.Baran Mahamood

Setting up a LAMP Stack in Fedora 14

Setting up a LAMP Stack in Fedora 14 :
·  Sunday, August 21, 2011
·  M.Baran Mahamood
LAMP Stack :

1. Linux
            2. Apache
3. MySql
4. PHP

In this post let us see how to setup a LAMP Stack. LAMP is an acronym for a solution stack of free, open source software, originally coined from the first letters of Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software) and Perl/PHP/Python, principal components to build a viable general purpose web server.

            Setting up this LAMP stack is essential for you to design websites and test it in your local computer.

1. Installing MySQL 5

To install MySQL type the following command in the Terminal:

yum install mysql mysql-server

In order to make MySQL start automatically whenever the system boots, type

chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on

To Start the MySQL server
/etc/init.d/mysqld start

To set a password for the user root (otherwise anybody can access your MySQL database!) Run

mysqladmin -u root password yourrootsqlpassword

To reset password for MySQL enter,

The intial password for 'root' is nothing.. So just press enter..It will prompt if you want to change it. Then press 'Y', current password "blank(press enter)" and enter the new password what you want..

2. Installing Apache 2

Apache2 is available as a Fedora package, therefore we can install it like this

To install Apache 2 enter the following command
yum install httpd

Now configure your system to start Apache at boot time...
chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on

To start Apache
/etc/init.d/httpd start

To check if it has been installed,
Go to the browser and enter http://localhost

Now direct your browser to http://localhost, and you should see the Apache2 placeholder page Apache's default document root is /var/www/html on Fedora, and the configuration file is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. Additional configurations are stored in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory.

You must see a Fedora Test Page.

3. Installing PHP 5

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the web page document. It also has evolved to include a command-line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical applications.

PHP can be deployed on most web servers and as a standalone interpreter, on almost every operating system and platform free of charge. A competitor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages(ASP) server-side script engine and similar languages, PHP is installed on more than 20 million websites and 1 million web servers.

`           PHP was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorfin 1995. The main implementation of PHP is now produced by The PHP Group and serves as the de facto standard for PHP as there is no formal specification. PHP is free software released under the PHP License which is incompatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL) due to restrictions on the usage of the term PHP.

PHP does not come with the basic installation of Fedora  so it requires a web server, php and mysql to be installed on the machine.

Enter the following command
yum install php

Then restart apache,
/etc/init.d/httpd restart

The default directory for all PHP files is /var/www/html.

So place any .php file there and then test it as http://localhost/YourFileName.php.

4. Installing MySQL (to be used with PHP)

Enter the following command
yum install php-mysql 

Restart the apache as mentioned in the previous step.

5. Installing PhpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in
PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. The most frequently used operations are supported by the user interface (managing databases, tables, fields, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc), while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.

To install PhpMyAdmin enter the following:

yum install phpmyadmin 

Restart Apache.

Thats it!!! Its done. Now you are ready to use LAMP... :) 

Create all your programs in /var/www/html/ and the output can be viewed in a web browser by giving the url as http://localhost/yourfilename.php

Note: if you couldnot create a file at /var/www/html then login as root user by issuing a command su

Hope this will be helpful for you!!!

 Stay tuned for updates. If you find any problem or have any suggestions for improvements, you can always mail me.
By M.Baran Mahamood

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Anna University Chennai Revaluation Result April - May 2011

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Installing Fedora 14 on Windows XP using Virtual Box

Installing Fedora 14 on Windows XP using Virtual Box : 

Hi friends.., I have installed Fedora 14 (guest) on a Windows XP (host). Here i have given the installation guide.


1.                 1. Virtual Box Software. Click here to Download  Virtualbox   

  Firstly, I’ll go step-by-step to install VirtualBox and get the Live CD version of Fedora 14 and running Fedora OS under XP. 

                  Once you have downloaded the Virtual Box installation File and obtained a copy of the Fedora 14Live CD iso (A Live CD is a CD that will boot and run a copy of Linux without needing to be installed, it’ll run entirely from memory – we do get an option to install to HDD once its booted though, which we will do), we need to simply run the VirtualBox setup and create a new virtual machine. 

VirtualBox Installation :

                   Installing Virtual Box is as easy as installing any other application. Just follow the prompts.

Once VirtualBox is installed, open the Virtual Box application and click on the ‘New’ button. 

Click next to start moving through the wizard. 

Name your Virtual Machine ( Fedora14 ) and select its type from the drop downs.
( Operating System : Linux , Version : Fedora )

Select the amount of memory to allocate to your Virtual Machine. I usually choose a minimum of 1024mb or it gets just a little too slow to use. (You can also increase your video memory alocation at a later stage). 

On this next screen we need to create the hard drive for the Virtual Machine. Whats needed is a file for VirtualBox to cloak as a hard drive for the Virtual Machine

Click ‘Create New hard Disk’ and then click ‘Next’ to start the virtual disk wizard. 

Select VMDK radio button and then Click Next

This next screen is up to you. I like to know that if I need the extra space on the vm, the disk will grow as its needed, but if you are short on space or want to restrict it, you can simply have a fixed-size image. Whatever you prefer. Then Click Next

Name the image and select its base size (default of 8.0GB is fine). Better you create a Virtual Hard Disk with 25 G.B space.  and Click Next button

Click Create to confirm your image settings. 

You will be sent back to the Virtual Hard Disk screen again, just click create button to finish the creation of virtual machine.
Now you’re pretty much done. Just click through to the end of the wizard and you have created your Virtual Machine. What we need to do now is tell our new VM to use the Live CD iso disk image when we boot up.

Select Fedora14 on Left pane and then Click Start Button in VirtualBox

Just Click Next Button in First Run Wizard 

Browse and select the Fedora14 Live Desktop ISO image file.( You can download Fedora14 Live Desktop ISO image file from here ). then click Next  button

Now just Click ‘Start’ button to start the Fedora live OS. You might get a notification about the host key (Right CTRL) or the colour settings (24 instead of 32 bit), just  click ‘ok’. 

When Fedora has booted, you’ll notice its just running Fedora without installing anything, this is the Live CD at work. 

Click Login to enter into the Fedora Live OS 

Click the ‘Install to had drive’ icon on the desktop to install the Fedora OS into your virtual hard disk. 

Once you install the Fedora OS into your virtual Hard disk then you can boot the Fedora OS from the virtual hard disk.

Video Tutorials :

Installation of Fedora 14 in virtual box :

Fedora 14 Installation - Virtual Box :

Hope this will be helpful for you!!!

This may be revised in future. Stay tuned for updates. If you find any problem or have any suggestions for improvements, you can always mail me.

By M.Baran Mahamood